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Export Loan Financing and/or Export Loan Guarantees

Are you looking for export financing?

Finding suitable banks for buyer credits and confirmed LCs isn’t always easy, whether you are looking to finance your imports or are helping your buyer find inexpensive financing. This applies especially to shipments to emerging and developing countries such as Pakistan or Iraq.
Our large selection of international banks ensures that you can find inexpensive financing even for difficult markets.

Would you like to simplify your search for financing?

Time is money. E-Mails and telephone calls lead to long communication chains and appointment coordination between you and your (core) banks.
What if you could forego this tedious back and forth and also save time by being able to control and analyze your financing all in one place?

Your Benefits at a Glance

When it comes to efficiency, digital platforms are unrivaled. This is why we together with our partner support, a fully automated digital marketplace. It simplifies the process of finding and analyzing financing offers.
Both experienced buyers and suppliers can make financing requests.
The marketplace was developed in close co-operation with a dozen reputable machine and plant manufacturers. Particular emphasis was put on the security of our infrastructure.


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